
Corporate Finance- Core Principles and Applications(5版)博客來好書分享

Corporate Finance- Core Principles and Applications(5版)博客來好書分享,總而言之,它的評價很高

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內容簡介: 博客來網路書店博客來 Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications was written to convey the most important corporate finance concepts and applications at a level that is approachable to the widest possible audience. The concise format, managerial context and design, and student-friendly writing style are key attributes to this text.

1. Each chapter begins with a recent real-world event to introduce students to chapter concepts.
2. By exploring information found in recent publications and building upon concepts learned in each chapter, 'Finance Matters' work through real-world issues relevant to the surrounding text.
3. The end-of-chapter material reflects and builds on the concepts learned from the chapter and study features.
4. These End-of-Chapter Cases focus on common company situations that embody important corporate finance topics. Each case presents a new scenario, data, and a dilemma.

Corporate Finance- Core Principles and Applications(5版)博客來好書分享 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2017/05/18
  • 語言:英文

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Corporate Finance- Core Principles and Applications(5版)博客來好書分享

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Corporate Finance- Core Principles and Applications(5版)博客來好書分享


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